August 1st, 2024

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Bowling Season

The Rochester NY USBC is excited to welcome you to the 2024-25 bowling season!
We have finalized our Tournament Calendar and will be holding league officer meetings soon. A special thank you goes out to our past board members, Cindy Burnett, Dena Alberti, and Scott Lucas, for their many years of dedicated service and commitment to our bowling community. This season, we are thrilled to introduce new board members Kasha Petroski, Scott Kruppenbacher, and Richard Ignizio, and also Bill Erb is returning to the board.

As we kick off this season, we are looking forward to a year filled with great bowling and opportunities to give back to our community.

Additionally, we want to inform you of an important update from NYS USBC regarding online membership purchases:

If you have members that purchase their memberships online using a debit/credit card, please note that memberships purchased on will have a convenience fee added to cover credit card fees that USBC has absorbed over the years. It will be 5% for adults and thirty-eight cents for youth.
Local and state dues stay whole as always, and we will send down as always.
This fee is not a New York State or Rochester NY USBC fee, this is directly from the National level.

PDF:  Tournament Schedule

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